Part 107 Drone License Test Prep Class

This is your complete and comprehensive material to prepare you to pass the FAA's Part 107 Exam. It's up to date with the latest information, yet has been carefully curated with only the material you need to study to pass the test.

This study guide for the Part 107 Certification was carefully researched, compiled and produced by Drone U utilizing the documents (and links) listed in the accompanying written guide. With the 107 test outline released by the FAA as our guide, we poured through the over 2,500 pages of content in an effort to break it down for you into this summarized study guide. Along the way as the FAA has added and changed the test, we've made the corresponding additions and changes to this guide. We believe this guide contains the most important, relevant items you need to know as you study for your 107 test. It helps you understand more clearly what you must know, what you should know and even what you don’t need to know.

Accompanying Study Guide